Features and Benefits
The first step in sentence creation
- Picture Sentence Match helps students move beyond recognition of individual symbols or words to an understanding of how words combine to create sentences
- Students build receptive language skills by learning to recognise the association between a picture and a sentence describing it. This understanding of sentence meaning is an essential first step for students learning to create their own sentences.
Associate pictures and sentences
- Students can learn to associate pictures and sentences in one of two ways. They can choose one of two still pictures to match a sentence that is shown and read aloud, or they can choose the correct sentence that matches a still picture.
- Three difficulty levels gradually challenge students to make finer discriminations when choosing a match. As the difficulty increases, students must interpret the meaning of a greater number of words in the sentence to determine the correct match.
Generalise skills to the natural environment
- Picture Sentence Match uses familiar vocabulary that easily lends itself to role-playing and practice in everyday functional skills. Common objects and activities make it simple to use the same sentence structure and vocabulary in real life.
Benefit a wide range of learners
- Picture Sentence Match provides excellent preparation for use of a communication device because it models correct sentence formation with minimal requirements for physical control. Visual feedbackSymbol and voice support allow non-readers to benefit from the program. Learners of English as a second language can use Picture Sentence Match to better understand proper sentence structure and use of pronouns. The program is fully accessible, including options for normal and inverse scanning, switch, touch screen, head-tracking device with dwell access and IntelliKeys overlays. makes it a great tool for the hearing impaired.

These are the vocabulary of family to improve the students' vocabulary.
- bride = Pengantin Wanita
- groom = Pengantin Pria
- brother = Saudara laki-laki
- cousin = Kemenakan
- wife = Istri
- husband = Suami
- parents = Orang Tua (2 orang)
- parent = Orang tua (1 orang)
- grandchild - grandchildren (Plural) = Cucu
- grandson = Cucu laki-laki
- granddaughter = Cucu Perempuan
- friend = Teman
- boyfriend = Cowok (Teman Perempuan)
- girlfriend = Cewek (Teman Laki-laki)
- friend = Teman
- grandmother, grandma = Nenek
- grandfather, granddad, grandpa = Kakek
- half-brother = Saudara tiri
- baby brother = Bayi laki-laki
- mother = Ibu
- mum, mummy, mom (Amerika) = Ibu (di Amerika)
- nephew = Kemenakan Laki-laki
- niece = Kemenakan Perempuan
- uncle = Paman
- godchild = Bayi yang di baptiskan digereja dan bersama itu juga diwalikan kepada orang lain.
- godfather = Bapak Baptis, Wali laki-laki
- godmother = Wali Wanita seorang bayi
- sister = Saudara perempuan
- mother-in-law = Ibu mertua
- father-in-law = Ayah Mertua
- son = Anak laki-laki
- stepbrother = Saudara laki-laki tiri
- aunt = Bibi
- daughter = Anak perempuan
- great-grandparents = Moyang
- father = Ayah
- dad = Ayah
- fiancee = Tunangan Wanita
- fiance = Tunangan Pria
- twin = Kembar
- twin-brother = Saudara laki-laki Kembar
These are all kinds of animal, that it expects to develop our vocabulary especially of animals.
- frog
- frogspawn
- tadpole
- toad
- newt
- scorpion
- spider
- tarantula
- eagle
- albatross
- blackbird
- jackdaw
- jay
- duck
- owl
- falcon
- pheasant
- finch
- flamingo
- goose
- vulture
- hawk
- rooster
- canary
- nuthatch
- crow
- cuckoo
- biddy
- kookaburra
- swift
- tit
- gull
- nightingale
- parrot
- pelican
- peacock
- penguin
- piranha
- raven
- robin
- swallow
- swan
- parakeet
- sparrow
- woodpecker
- mallard
- stork
- ostrich
- dove, pigeon
- turkey
- kestrel
- wren
- coat
- crest
- talon
- beak
- peacock butterfly
- red admiral
- silkworm
- swallowtail
Fishes and Marine Animals
- eel
- barbel
- perch
- trout
- shrimp
- goldfish
- shark
- pike
- halibut
- lobster
- cod
- scallop
- carp
- crab
- crab
- salmon
- shell
- jellyfish
- ray
- sawfish
- haddock
- plaice
- swordfish
- manatee
- seahorse
- starfish
- sturgeon
- squid
- tuna (fish)
- catfish
- gill
- muzzle
- dorsal fin
- scales
- tail fin
- ant
- bee
- aphid
- fly
- flea
- grasshopper
- bumblebee
- cockroach
- beetle
- larva
- louse (pl. lice)
- dragonfly
- maggot
- ladybug
- moth
- midge
- nymph
- caterpillar
- gadfly
- millipede
- harvestman
- wasp
- anteater
- antelope
- bear
- beaver
- badger
- dachshund
- dolphin
- squirrel
- polar bear
- elephant
- elk (BE)
- moose (AE)
- sloth
- hare
- otter
- bat
- fox
- gazelle
- giraffe
- grizzly bear
- armadillo
- hamster
- hare
- deer, hart
- hyena
- hedgehog
- polecat
- camel
- llama
- lion
- lynx
- mammoth
- mouse
- mule
- mole
- guinea pig
- mongoose
- marmot
- rhinoceros
- mink
- bullock
- panda
- horse
- pony
- prairie dog
- puma
- rat
- deer
- reindeer
- seal
- sheep
- chimpanzee
- platypus
- pig, hog
- seal
- porcupine
- skunk
- tiger
- whale
- racoon
- weasel
- wolf
- gerbil
- zebra
- goat
- coat, fur
- antler
- claw
- muzzle, stout
- paw
- muzzle
- whisker
- tail
- tusk
- blowhole
- trunk
Molluscs (BE), Mollusks (AE)
- slug
- snail
- Reptiles
- blindworm
- boa
- chameleon
- diamondback rattlesnake
- saurian
- lizard
- gecko
- poisonous / venomous snake
- sidewinder
- coral snake
- crocodile
- iguana
- Mojave rattlesnake
- copperhead
- python
- salamander
- tortoise, turtle
- snake
- sea snake
- Southern Pacific rattlesnake
- cottonmouth
- constrictor snake
- shell
- tapeworm
- leech
- earthworm
- round worm
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